Student Success Statement
''Nothing is ever gained in doing what's doing.''
Wilford Woodruff
What Wilford is trying to say is that doing the wrong won't bring goodness. Its important to always do the right thing. Some examples are when you're sleeping in class. Doing that won't gain anything because you aren't learning anything. Another example is if you flick your finger to your teacher. You won't gain anything from that but trouble. Just because something makes you look cool doesn't mean you should do it if its wrong. Do the right and good things will come. An example of doing something good is if you're walking and the person in front of you drops $5. If you pick them up and hand them back to them they might let you keep them for doing good. Or they might just thank you but either way it will make you feel good about yourself. Don't choose to do wrong just because you think its ''cool'' ''popular'' because you won't gain anything from it just more trouble. Instead do the right and you will gain goodness and kindness. Choose the right in life for greater goods. Always be yourself when doing the right.
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