Student Success Statement
''Being a c-t-r person isn't always easy, but it's the best person you can be.''
Diana Beltran
What this means is that being a ctr person isn't always easy but you should try to be one still. Being a ctr person will make you a better you. It will teach you how to better yourself. Also being a ctr will make people want to be with you because they know you're a good person. An example of someone being a ctr person is helping out the community by picking up trash around. Another example of being a ctr person is if someone ask you to help them out with a project to tutoring. That is being a ctr person because you're being kind and helping them out. Now at home you can be a ctr person by helping out and taking out the trash or helping wash the dishes. Being a ctr person may take time but it will be worth it because you'll become a better person. Some ways of being a ctr person is by showing empathy, obedience, patient, responsible, showing respect, etc. Always choose the right and good things will happen.
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