Student Success Statement
''Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it.
-George Mitchell, Senate Majority Leader, Presidential Medal of Freedom, Disney Chairman of the board.
This student Success statement is about not cheating. Cheating is the worse thing anyone can do. Using steroids when playing a sport is cheating. Its cheating because you're not really playing playing because the steroid is in you. An example of cheating is when you're taking a test and you don't know the answer to a problem. You then either get out your notes or whatever resource you have. On the other hand you might look at your partners work and then copy which is bad. Cheating won't make you accomplish anything.Once you cheat you can't go back. No one should every cheat in anything. When you cheat your consequences will be bad. Even if you try to hide it that you cheated you won't be able to. Everything comes out sooner or later. That's why you shouldn't cheat.
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