''Character Matters Most.''
Dale Murphy
This statement made by Dale Murphy is important. It shows how character is important. Someone who has good character does the right. Who you are as a person is important. An example for this quote is if you're taking a test and you don't cheat. That's showing good character. Another example is if you see someone who needs help crossing the street and you offer to help them. You're also showing good character. Now on the other hand someone people may not have good character. This is bad. Its bad because you're not choosing the right and you're being disrespectful. Some examples of having a bad character is if you cheat on a test. Its wrong because cheating on a test won't get you anywhere in life because you're not learning correctly. Another example is if a teacher calls on you and you get mad at them. That's not having good character. You're disobeying them and disrespecting them. Also with your parents you should always listen to them and respected them because they're the people who will help shape you in life. Now that is why character matters most.
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